Friday 5 April 2019

Distribution 19: Salio Village

My brother came to visit the Raja Ampat Archipelago and we went to visit the first school the project worked with at Salio village. What a treat it was to be able to share this project with him!

The school is in excellent shape.  It is very well taken care of by Pak Oskar who has been there since our very first book distribution.  The students have worked together to make a garden and beautify the area and it was just lovely to get back there and see the progress.  There are more students in the classes than ever before which was also great to see.

We took some origami paper with us and spent some time folding with the kids, and, of course, we took a bag of books!

This makes the 19th book distribution in 3 years!  WOW!

Thanks everyone for making it possible.


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