I've just spent and AMAZING WEEK back in Raja Ampat where I had the opportunity to revisit Selpele village (where we made our second library collection) and take the kids another box of books.
Selpele was a tough school - it took me a while to get books there because for so long there was no teacher.
Now there are 3 teachers and lots of the kids who I got to know running around and fishing from the village are now in class!!!
They have a teacher who is teaching them some English so I spent a few hours with them practicing vocabulary and singing and reading.
And the new books had them absolutely enthralled!
There were a few that were very picture focused - where the kids could find the animals and place the matching stickers... picture searches (Where's Wally style) and spot the difference books with beautiful and intricate illustrations that the kids just loved!
Once again my most heartfelt gratitude goes out to all of you who continue to support this project and make it a reality.
I absolutely could not do it without you and I'm forever thankful.
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