Thursday, 18 January 2018

Book Distribution #10: Kukusan Village (with Trash Hero Komodo)

Happy New Year!!

I hope your 2018 is off to an excellent start!

January has certainly been good to us so far.

We spent the festive season with friends and family and breathed slowly into the New Year.  Last week, upon returning to the office I was thrilled to see that a package had arrived from Australia - books made by the students of Wingham High!!!  You can imagine how excited I am that the very first books this year (that will be distributed among our 4 libraries) have been made with loving care by students at home in Australia.  More about these books in a later post!

Today we caught up on last years final distribution.
(yep, the final 78 books or so were not given to the village due to a combination of holidays, bad weather and busy schedules).  But today we got out there to give the books to the students and support a Trash Hero Komodo clean up at the same time!

We sponsored the clean up by providing notebooks and pencils for the winning team, and then distributed your books and spent some time reading with the kids.

What a great morning and a great way to start 2018!

Thank you all so much for continuing to make this happen.  I look forward to bringing you more good news as the year progresses!

1 comment :

  1. To this end, there is a good selection of large and sturdy outdoor trash receptacles that are designed more for large loads and easy movement. stainless steel trash can
