Thursday, 1 June 2017

Desa Kukusan - Library Refurbish

You guys,  I have a plan...

I'm going to make an actual library...

Not just a collection of books but a secure room with shelving and mats on the floor so kids can come and sit and read and enjoy...

As you can see, the school at Desa Kukusan sits atop a hill.  The room at the far rights is more or less falling apart.  The two rooms in the center are used as classrooms.  And the room on the far left of the picture is currently a bit of a junk room.  We gave it a bit of a clean the other day, but it still needs a lot of work.  My plan is to freshen it up with a good scrub and a coat of paint and turn it into a canteen/office/library.  I'm hoping this will be achievable with little manpower and next to no funding because we have little manpower and no funding.  Ha.

Stay tuned to see this space turn into a vibrant and welcoming space for our learners to come and READ YOUR BOOKS!

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