Today marks the 1 year anniversary of the #100BOOKSproject. 1 year since I posted a request asking all of you to help me collect 100 books for a small village school in remote west papua.
In the past 12 months - our first year - we have raised $3,620 dollars. We have distributed 188 notebooks, 172 stationary supplies, 286 activity books, 521 library books and 12 wall charts to three schools in Raja Ampat and Flores. We have plans ready to build a new house for a teacher in a small island village in Komodo, and have partnered with another small non-profit to refurbish the school on the island. There is so much on the horizon for us and I want to thank all of you for making this happen.
We've been on our little island in the middle of the sea for the past few months, so I haven't had a chance to spend the donations you guys have made - that will come soon. But I did have a donation from Pustaka Sahabat for the school at Desa Kukusan so I decided to celebrate our first anniversary by launching our 3rd library project and taking that donation to the village.
School was already out for the day by the time we got to the village, but I left the books with the school principal. We talked about where our "library" will go and I asked what else they needed - shelving or a cupboard.
So far we have given this school 100 notebooks, 50 activity books and 15 library books. And I'm very much looking forward to our next delivery of books and spending some time with the students.
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